Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And Fill my Lonely Pew....

Today in 'Strange Places to Rehearse', we introduce the chapter: 'Church Basements'.

Not that strange, but strange and creepy when you don't know how to get into the building and then have to sneak around in the dark BY YOURSELF looking for the other heathen actors. Afraid of vampires and Jesus at every turn.

These are all doors that I tried to get in before I managed to get in. Note how they all look eerily similar. That will become important when I forget which doors I have already tried and have to start again.

We rehearse in a room that is used for some Godly purpose and has its own 'Wailing Wall', where kids (adorably) put their prayers and things to lament on Post-Its.

I keep thinking one day there will be one that says 'Jessica's performance'.

My thoughts exactly, kid!!!

It's still an awkward uncomfortable part of rehearsal. I won't feel better until I get offbook and I am a lazy bum of an actor for not being off book, because it really just makes all the difference, but learning lines is hard, man. That's really all I can say. It takes a lot of time, and when you haven't even done the scene yet it's hard to bring yourself to do it. I'm going to make an effort for my next rehearsal (no, I won't). Yes I will!!!!

Man, Shakespeare is so the best. I am very, very anxious to get another Shakespeare show. I just want to do more and more of it. Mostly so that Stratford will see me and think I'm awesome. One day. Oi. But I need to get off book and then I'll start feeling things more and it will all be good. Right now this show doesn't have performances, which is kind of hard. It's like how sex is no good after a vasectomy: NO POTENCY. So I really hope there are performances. Workshops are wonderful and all, but I just want to doooo itttttt.

I'm still kind of sick and still feeling crappy because I'm not busy enough, and not making enough money, and will never be a successful actor because Tim Horton's doesn't want to have me sell their Mocha Lattes or Caramel Crunch donuts (even though they're all I eat, so I'd be awesome!), and all of that, but I got significantly buoyed by seeing THIS:

That's the beautiful exciting cast of Tout Comme Elle, a show I'm so thrilled to do this spring with Necessary Angel. You can find out the names of all these people here. I'm in the top corner! This just made my day. I was jumping around and everything when I saw it. I was firstly very curious to know who else was in it, as I've known about this show for over a year now, did a workshop with 14 of these women almost a year ago, and won't do the show until May. But it was so nice to see who they were, squeal that I'm ACTUALLY IN A SHOW WITH THESE PEOPLE, NOT PAYING TO WATCH THEM ACT WHILE I CRY IN THE AUDIENCE ALONE, and also to think that it isn't so far after all!


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