Thursday, June 10, 2010

We're Opening Doors, Singing, 'Here we are'.....

Well, today's post actually has some kind of educational content. Imagine that! It also has the added bonus of distracting me from memorizing text that I desperately need to learn. Yesterday night, tonight, and tomorrow night I have the unfortunate task of memorizing different things. So I'll just blog instead. Tum te tum.

Anyway, the lesson today was CRASHING AUDITIONS IS A GOOD THING TO DO. Yes, you might have to spend two and a half hours sitting on the floor in a stairwell in Ryerson University. Yes, the only other people auditioning for the first huge chunk of time might be all men with sides they were already given to prepare, and you might feel really embarrassed as you are clearly not supposed to be auditioning today. Yes, you might hate yourself when other REAL actors, those who got legitimate auditions ask you what time you're at, and you have to say you don't have a time.

BUT you might get seen at the end of that and have a good audition, and learn that you were supposed to be given an audition and they typed your email address wrong. So you have been punishing yourself for a week and wondering why you didn't get this one, and you actually did.

If your name is Jessica Moss, all these things will happen.

But it was really good! Ok, waiting or that long was kind of ass. But it ended up being a good audition. Until the inevitable crash on the streetcar ride home when I realized it probably wasn't as good as I thought. But I had lots of fun, and it was nice learning that I should have been seen, and my pieces were pretty good, which means I can find new ones for my audition in two weeks, but I have something I can totally use if nothing else pops up.

Now I can be hideously rejected because I have jinxed myself by writing about it. OH NO, I FORGOT, THE UNIVERSE CAN'T HEAR MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, EVERYONE LOOK POSITIVE.

Ha ha. 'Everyone'. There is no one reading this. I am funny.

But I really am trying to put more positive thoughts out there.

Maybe, however, instead of positive thoughts, I should learn my lines for a callback, so that I can impress them with my ability to act and learn things, rather than my ability to will my desires into being by proclaiming them to the universe. Blah. I've had too much to learn lately. My brain wants candy. And scheduling has been so not fun and I am worried about losing my jobs and pissing everyone off.

Oh, but last night I saw a ballet version of this and it reminded me that I want to be a dancer, not an actor. Or, really, I want to be Rita Moreno:

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