Tuesday, July 28, 2009


After four callbacks, you'd think there'd be at least an email to say, 'sorry, no'. NOTHING. That's kind of shitty, right? I think not contacting your auditionees is generally a sucky thing to do. I guess if you see way too many people, it's not worth it, although with most of your submitting being done online now, it doesn't seem like it would be all that hard. But if you've given a lot of time to a project, it seems like it would be a civil thing to at least contact people, so that they're not endlessly hanging.

Have to move on, have to move on, have to move on.

I'm kind of concerned right now that I don't actually exist. I feel that nothing I'm submitting is getting even a response. Even emails to friends go unanswered. Maybe I'm a ghost.

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