Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm Giving Up My Vices

I did a reading of this play again last night:

I could do that play again and again. That's Jason Maghanoy's dust, by the way. So weird to revisit it after a year. The character feels so much a part of me, so easy to slip into, but without the stuff that goes along with it, like Brandon, and the blocking, and the pacing and pauses, it was very strange. All these little readings and things that I get myself involved in are usually something I agonize over before hand, and swear up and down I won't do again, but they really go a long way into making me feel like I'm a part of the community. So weird. It's strange how such a little thing can register in a way that a full production just slips under the radar, for both me and other people watching.

It's a time to look back. Kind of neat that I had to revisit a show. And then I was reading NOW magazine and one of the plays I did this summer is mentioned in the 'site-specific section' as something they want to see more of! Amazing! Way to go the WITCH of edmonton. How awesome is that?

I have a big thing I'm supposed to be working on but it just makes me terrified, so I have been avoiding it. It is a great opportunity and I have to remember that and be happy with that, but because I think of what it could lead to, it makes me ill. Ugh. I am trying to be happy with being given the chance. But it's very scary.

SO let's look back at this year and then I will avoid that avenue of terror for a few more minutes!

Shows: 5. Remount of dust, The Queens, The Taming of the Shrew, the WITCH of edmonton, and Alice in Wonderland. While I spent most of the year worried that I wasn't doing enough, that seems like a lot, doesn't it? That seems pretty good. I don't even know what standard I'm holding myself up to. It's just hard to go through those two month long stretches where I'm not IN anything...I'm in one is ass.

Other things: TheatreKairos workshops and reading, Tout Comme Elle workshop (amazing), two readings for the Vagabond Trust Series, a Sea Change performance, a TPM Buzz performance, Humber River's Macbeth reading, two of those 24 hour play things. Hmm. That seems like a lot all put together! This game is good! Plus, there's just my 'living theatrically', like Jenna Maroney. One day we'll both get Tony's for that.

Training: Ah, well, here I dropped the ball. I did the Theatre Gargantua workshop (which was one day, awesome sauce), and....and that was it. Dammit, training is so much money and I'd rather learn by just being cast in things, but I guess that's something to think about. Hmm.

Plays I saw: Brief Encounter, Brief Encounter, Brief Encounter. Man, that changed everything. Holy God, I walk around thinking about it all the time. It's so amazing to be so inspired. Ride the Cyclone was fantastic. Frankenstein at midnight stays in my head just for the experience of it, even though I didn't love the show. I missed a lot of good stuff this year, according to the top 10 lists, which is always the way. I feel I see so much but it just is never the right stuff. I missed a lot of Fringe and SummerWorks this year, which is unusual for me. I missed a lot of big stuff too. I haven't been seeing things lately, so I'm excited to get back on the boat.

I also kind of got into this blog thing. It's fun....maybe next year will be the year I start telling people about it.

I worked so hard to make this year good, and for all the ups and downs, it was a pretty good one in a lot of ways. A huge improvement over SuckFest, or, as it is commonly called, 2009. Tomorrow I'm going to look ahead and make some resolutions WHICH I LOVE ALTHOUGH THEY DIE FASTER THAN GOLDFISH.


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