Sunday, November 4, 2012

Though You Sometimes Do Come By The Occasional Black Eye

We are having a rejection supersale over here!

Rejection over here! Rejection over there! Rejected from things I don't even know if I care about (BUT I DO!)! Rejected from things I wanted very badly! COMING OUT MY EARS!

It comes in such amazing waves somehow. Bam bam bam.

Anyway. That's great.

This is mostly writing rejection, because I haven't been on an audition in ages! Hooray! I had a few auditions in the later part of the summer and didn't get anything! Yippeee!!!

And now we have this wonderful fall look of not being able to move forward in writing.

It's really hard to keep going and find motivation when you just feel like you're being slammed. Some are just unfortunate (you send a play that you spent weeks on, three days before the deadline, and then they say that they reached the quota that night and your script won't even be read. THANK YOU SO MUCH!), and some are just, 'but...but....why don't you like me?...I did everything right....'. They suck equally.

If I were a cool person I would embed a .GIF here, BUT I'M NOT.

I had a relatively fecund creative period, of creating a lot of stuff and submitting it. I have a lot of projects now at varying stages of development but absolutely no where to put them and no one to work on them with. Hmmm. That thought has me pretty  much bone dry, in terms of both ideas and desire to work.

All I want to do is watch movies allllll the time. All the time! The work that others have already created is somehow much more fulfilling than the angst my own work causes me.

There are three more things I should hear back from in the next two weeks, and I'm pretty sure they'll all be 'no's'. Two more will come sometime after that. In the meantime, I can either keep applying for other things, or I can watch 'GoodFellas' for the fifth time in three days.

Who knows what will happen???


  1. I'm in exactly the same place. My couch and all the wonderful stories from tv and movies call to me daily. My laptop with my frustrating work does not. :( Not sure how to get motivated when it all feels so pointless.

  2. i JUST GOT ANOTHER REJECTION! FROM THE RHUBARB FESTIVAL! INCREDIBLE! This is actually amazing. I might be the most untalented person ever. They are rolling in like tears down my face! Chloe, I feel your pain, I would love to see you and a bottle of whiskey sometime soon about this matter.
